Name: Tito Sofia Romano

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Species: Human, Werewolf

Occupation: Kingpin

Nationality: Cuban-Italian (Sicilian)

Tito Romano is a household name across his city, his family having had an iron grip over it since the late 1940s. He's the 3rd generation to head the Romano crime family, but there is definite turbulence between him and the 2nd generation due to the lack of a 4th and 5th generation. He was never really fond of his role as a crime boss, mostly because he was forced into it, alongside constant scrutiny from his father. His mother was far nicer to her son, and more empathetic with his struggle with romance and helping ease the troubles that came with his lycanthropic blood. Most would say he peaked in his 30s, having spent those years partying and pretending the years ahead of him didn't exist. When he got too old and unappealing, he begrudgingly accepted his role as a crime boss, as he lost his youth and any hope pursuing a long-term partner.

He only heard of Jude around a month or so into his investigation, and was completely aware of his attempts to spy on him and his syndicate. However, he made no physical attempt to stop him, as he found it fun to watch Jude scramble for any evidence he could. It was all a game to him until he grew attached and attracted to Jude. It didn't take long for him to fall in love, very quickly losing power in the dynamic due to his complete inability to harm those he's loyal to. Tito's sudden gentleness and warmth made Jude furious, only bringing him to work harder to put him in prison before he can get the chance to feel something in return.

Likes: The entire Oznik family (including Step) with all his heart, his mumma :)), nighttime reading, dogs, going to the aquarium and the zoo with Barrow, 80s romance music, jazz records, old Disney movies (he's normal about it though), making little pen doodles on important documents, coffee ice cream

Dislikes: His shithole father, actually having to go and see Jude (the documents keep piling up on his desk), whatever the hell music Step listens to, Barrow's cat Eenie Meenie (it's very rude to him), Shalla's family (with the exception of Shalla's currently missing father), having to walk long distances (the bullet in his knee causes him to limp), Bruce Harlem (it's complicated)